Firuz Shah Tughluk's Palace Complex, Hisar
  • Firuz Shah Tughluk's Palace Complex, Hisar
  • Firuz Shah Tughluk's Palace Complex, Hisar
  • Firuz Shah Tughluk's Palace Complex, Hisar
Firuz Shah Tughluk's Palace Complex, Hisar

The Hisar district is located on the eastern side of Haryana. During pre-Mughal times the place was known as Hizar-i-Firuza which was located at a strategic point where the old Delhi-Multan route branched to Khurasan. This city was founded by Firoz Shah as a challenging attempt to reclaim this barren tract of desert. Shams Siraj records that Firoz Shah took personal interest in the construction of the town and the excavation of canals. The Palace of Firoz Shah is situated on the northwestern side of the ruined citadel-currently in the main market area of the Hisar city


Colonial Building, Hisar, Haryana

Colonial Building, Hisar, Haryana

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