The repositories of Indian antiquities all over the world have partnered with the CA & A to make their collections available in the VMIS. This section includes museum collections of such Partners in VMIS.
The Allahabad Museum, located in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh is one of the largest and leading museums of Indian Art in North India. It was initially set up in 1931 as a Municipal Museum; antiquities from Allahabad District were housed here. The collection further grew with gifts and purchase of a variety of objects including archaeological materials, stone, bronze, wood and metal sculptures, paintings, terracotta, coins, decorative arts and textile. Moreover, collections on national leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal, and eminent literary figures such as Sumitranandan Pant were also received as gift or acquired to make the collections rich and varied. Due to the wide spectrum and significance of its collections the Allahabad Museum was taken under auspices of the Government of India and declared a Central Government Museum.
Digitization of this collection has been possible with financial support from the Ministry of Culture, Government of India.
This collection contains images of objects housed in nine state-protected museums in Tamil Nadu. The collection was produced by the documentation team of the Center for Art and Archaeology (CA&A), American Institute of Indian Studies (AIIS) through a commission from the Department of Archaeology, Government of Tamil Nadu. Located in five districts of Tamil Nadu, the museums documented include (1) Darbar Hall, Tanjore, (2) Dharmapuri site museum, (3) Kalinga sculpture, (4) Maligaimedu Sculpture Shed, (5) Maratha Museum, (6) Rajaraja Chola Museum, (7) Rajendra Chola site museum, (8) Thirumalai Nayak Palace Museum, (9) Thirumalai Nayak Palace Shed.