Cave 05, Ajanta, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
  • Cave 05, Ajanta, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
  • Cave 05, Ajanta, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
  • Cave 05, Ajanta, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
Cave 05, Ajanta, Aurangabad, Maharashtra

Cave 5 and the two storied Cave 6, like most of the Vakataka caves, were begun in the early 460s and remained unfinished when Harisena died (478 CE). The identity of the patron cannot ascertained. In this cave the richly carved doorway that displays female figures standing on makaras projecting beyond the general alignment is noteworthy.


  • Debala Mitra, Ajanta, 1964.
  • Walter Spink, Ajanta: A Brief History and Guide, 1990.
  • Walter Spink, Volume 18/5 Ajanta: History and Development: Cave By Cave, 2007.