Cave 27, Ajanta, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
  • Cave 27, Ajanta, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
  • Cave 27, Ajanta, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
  • Cave 27, Ajanta, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
Cave 27, Ajanta, Aurangabad, Maharashtra

Cave 27 should be considered a part of Cave 26 as it connected to its monastic establishment. It was sponsored by Monk Buddhabhadra, a friend of Bhavviraja, a minister of the king of Asmaka. In 478CE. The landing and the verandah on the left side of the court of Cave 26 lead to a small hall, which has a shrine and an antechamber facing the entrance door. It consists of two stories; the upper one is partially collapsed. The front wall is divided into three compartments comprising of a nagaraja, a couple and a female standing on a makara with a bird perched on her right hand and her left handing resting on the head of a dwarf. The shrine has an image of Buddha in teaching attitude on its back wall. Of the cells around the hall, only four on the right half have survived. A major part of the left half of the hall has collapsed. 



  • Debala Mitra, Ajanta, 1964.
  • Walter Spink, Ajanta: A Brief History and Guide, 1990.
  • Walter Spink, Volume 18/5 Ajanta: History and Development: Cave By Cave, 2007.