Bait-Umar Marvi
Track Information : Umar Marvi by Surnaiya Langa - Narration with Algoza: Ilahu Khan, Murad Khan and Ramjan Khan.Performer(s) : Ilahu Khan, Murad Khan and Ramjan KhanCollection : ARCE Archives and Community Partnership ProjectBiyavalo
Track Information : Bharthari ka Biyavalo - Bharthari's birth narrated by Madhu Natisar Nath. Recorded in Ajmer.Performer(s) : Madhu Natisar NathCollection : Ann GoldPabuji Ka Parh
The epic of Pabuji is an oral epic in the Rajasthani language. Literally, 'Pabuji Ka Parh' translates as either 'The Screen of Pabuji' or 'O, Read of Pabuji!'. The 'Parh' is a religious scroll painting of folk deities, which is used for a musical rendition of the epic of Pabuji, the Rathod Rajput chief. The Bhopas of Pabusar are the bards and also priests who are the traditional narrators of this art form. Pabuji is also known as "the Ascetic Deity of Sand Desert"
Collection : Nazir Ali Jairazbhoy
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The Devnarayan epic performed with the jantar and scroll.