Tomb of ustad is located in Hadironwala Bagh complex along with Tomb of Ustad. Raised on an octagonal platform the tomb is approached by a double flight of steps on the north and south sides of the platform. The platform accommodates the crypt of the tomb, entered through south side under the staircase. This tomb is octagonal in form, with four large and four short sides (known as Baghdadi octagon). Each larger face of the octagon has a large rectangular recess spanning the height of the structure with a doorway and a ventilator while the smaller one has recessed arches on two levels. All three doorways with the exception of south have been covered with trellis work. Two staircases each are located on north and south side of the tomb lead to the upper recesses with one on extreme north side leads to the roof level. Interiors of the dome are lined with deep niches of varying sizes on two levels. The interior is spanned with a domical roof and the walls have marble like coating on them with a few surfaces covered with inscriptions. Highly decorative (yellow, blue and green) glazed tile work is located on the spandrels of arches and the middle panels on the exterior façade. A few surfaces are also covered with paintings. The inscription on the tomb mentions the tomb as Muhammad Mumin al-Husayni's Tomb. Tomb of Shagird stand in close vicinity to the Tomb of Ustad, in Hadironwala Bagh complex. The tomb stands on a square platform paneled with deep niches on all four sides. Steps located on all four sides of the platform provide access to the tomb. This tomb is square in plan on the outside and octagonal on the inside with all four corners punctuated by octagonal turrets at each corner covered with cupolas. Each side of the square is marked with deep recessed opening housing doorways, with main entrance on the south. A staircase on the south side, near the entrance leads to the roof. Octagon shaped interior of the tomb has large recesses located diagonally at lower level while the upper level has continuous niches. 6 Sarcophagi present in the centre of the room. Interiors are plastered and adorned with inscriptions from Quran along with some paintings. A dome spans the interior of the tomb, covered with an inverted lotus and a finial. Almost all the surfaces of tomb are profusely decorated with panels of glazed tile work in various colours, which forms the main feature of the tomb. An Inscription on the tomb mentions Haji Jamal’s Tomb.