Farrukhnagar, Gurgaon, Haryana
  • Farrukhnagar, Gurgaon, Haryana
  • Farrukhnagar, Gurgaon, Haryana
  • Farrukhnagar, Gurgaon, Haryana
Farrukhnagar, Gurgaon, Haryana

Farrukhnagar, Gurgaon, Haryana


Baoli Ghaus Ali Shah, Farrukhnagar,...

This structure is also known as Ghaus Khan ki Baoli, a dug well with a fine masonry superstructure. The shaft of the well was sunk to a depth of more than a hundred feet that could have posed a test in the sandy-loam earth of Farrukhnagar. The well was constructed in such a way to serve dual functions: first as a high point for surveying the area and second as a perennial source of fresh water away from the access of the enemy who might poison or spoil it. The interiors of the baoli are amazingly large and would have comfortably accommodated a garrison comprising hundreds of soldiers. From its external appearance one could hardly imagine that there could be a spring or an artisan well in the center of the pit. A quick descent into the structure may give an impression of entering a Roman amphitheatre. The Baoli is a classic case of native architectural acumen and structural strength. Until a few years ago, residents nearby used to fetch water from this well. It fell into disuse after the municipality provided easy access to tap water. In its current position the Baoli stands on a local road that passes through the structure by piercing it from the center in such a way that it doesn't disturb the physical setting of the structure. The Baoli's one of the original access routes that was constructed beneath the ground level, now is situated under the local road. The terrace of the Baoli serves as a low overbridge just above the road.

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