Distinct from raga Gunakali, which consists of shuddha (pure) notes, Gunkari is a pentatonic raga consisting of komal Re and Dha (flattened 2nd and 6th notes). Sung in the early morning, Gunkari evokes a plaintive and sorrowful mood and is picturised as a woman waiting for her lover to arrive.
Track Information : Vocal rendition of Raga Gunkari.Performer(s) : BhutjiCollection : Peter MullerMalkauns
“Employing the sentiments of valour, wrath, bewilderment and love in separation, (Malkauns) is sung in the last quarter of the day in winter to the endearment of Vishnu”. (from the 'Sangita Ratnakara' (c.thirteenth century); trans. R.K. Shringy)
Track Information : Vocal rendition in Raga Malkauns.Performer(s) : Kumar GandharvaCollection : Warren Senders