• Toranio

    Toranio are songs that are sung by the musicians when the bridegroom enters the home of the bride. He has to strike the "toran" (a kind of festoon hung over the door), which is made of wood, as he enters.

    Collection : ARCE Archives and Community Partnership


    These songs are sung by the Managaniar's at the time of the mehndi, a wedding ritual in which the bride's hands and feet are decorated with henna patterns.

    Track Information : Mehndi, performed by Meherdin Khan, Dodha Fakir, Karim Khan, Khete Khan, Kadar Khan, Bundu Khan, Hayat Khan, Laldin Khan, Jamin Khan, Pire Khan
    Performer(s) : Meherdin Khan, Dodha Fakir, Karim Khan, Khete Khan, Kadar Khan, Bundu Khan, Hayat Khan, Laldin Khan, Jamin Khan, Pire Khan
    Collection : ARCE Archives and Community Partnership


    Banna songs, or bridegroom songs, are a part of the wedding song repertoire of Rajasthan. These are sung by all communities and revolve around the theme of the bridegroom, and the preparations for and customs of the wedding.

    Track Information :
    Performer(s) : Langa Musicians
    Collection : ARCE Archives and Community Partnership


    'Ambavadi' is sung at weddings. It refers to the seat on the elephant. The text of the song is about the preparations for the wedding - setting the date of the wedding, going to the astrologer, visiting the jeweller and so on.

    Track Information : Ambavadi - A wedding song in Rag Soob.
    Performer(s) : Chanan Khan - khamaicha; Meherdin Khan - sarangi; Khete Khan - kartal.
    Collection : ARCE Archives and Community Partnership
  • Dhumaladi

    This is a wedding song in Rag Sorath. It is sung at the bidai, when the bride leaves her natal home after the wedding. The text of the song describes the bride's beauty, and her desire to not hasten her departure as she leaves her father's house.

    Track Information : Dhumaladi sung by Manganiar musicians.
    Performer(s) : Gazi Khan, Chanan Khan, Multan Khan
    Collection : Daniel Neuman

    Beesoo ro Badlo

    This song, imploring Krishna to wake up, is a love song. It is sung during weddings to wake the groom on the morning after the wedding. This song also describes and refers to a famous Banyan tree in the village of Beesoo in Barmer.

    Track Information : Beesoo ro badlo, sung by Chanan and Multan Khan and others, recorded in Beesoo.
    Performer(s) : Chanan Khan, Multan Khan and others
    Collection : Daniel Neuman and Rajasthan Atlas Project